Benefits of Tomatoes and Broccoli to kill cancer cells

manfaat brokoli dan tomat untuk atasi sel kanker

Benefits of Tomatoes and Broccoli to kill cancer cells : Vegetables are a source of nutrition for the body, including broccoli and tomatoes. In both sorts of vegetables, there are many antioxidants which will keep off variety of free radicals that cause disease, especially cancer. 


The benefits of broccoli and tomatoes to beat cancer cells

Broccoli contains sulforaphane which is understood to possess the power to fight cancer cells and tumors. But amazingly, this substance doesn't damage body cells that are still healthy. While the advantages of tomatoes for treating cancer are thanks to the content of an antioxidant in them called Lycopen which features a role like sulforaphane in broccoli, which are both nutritious in fighting the event of cancer cells within the body. 


Consuming broccoli and tomatoes separately, remains effective in avoiding cancer cells. But when the 2 are combined, the properties are going to be stronger in killing cancer cells. This has been proven during a study conducted by the University of Illinois and published within the Journal Of Cancer research , where the study states that the lycopene in tomatoes and sulforaphane in broccoli, when combined, will make an excellent combination to stop cancer. 


The study was administered by implanting prostatic adenocarcinoma cells in several mice, then the mice received different treatments in feeding, where the primary group of mice was given a diet containing 10% tomato powder and broccoli powder, the second group of mice was given tomato powder only, and therefore the rest is given only broccoli powder.


From the results of those studies, it's known that the primary group of mice got encouraging results , where the prostate tumors contained in their bodies shrank faster in comparison to the second and third groups of mice.


For humans themselves, the researchers explain that for men, it's recommended to consume 2.5 cups of raw tomatoes and 1.4 cups of raw broccoli to urge an equivalent benefits. this is often in fact very beneficial for cancer patients, especially if cancer in their bodies are often detected early.


For those of you reception , you ought to start getting wont to consuming these two foods a minimum of once every week , which aims to guard the body from cancer. additionally , the advantages of tomatoes and broccoli aren't just for preventing cancer , but consuming them can protect the body from heart attacks, type-2 diabetes, obesity and various other diseases.

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