Aloe vera juice benefits and side effects

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Aloe vera juice benefits and side effects ~ Aloe vera or in scientific language is called aloe vera has long been known to have many benefits for the body. The leaves of this plant have been widely used as an ingredient for medicine, both for treating diseases, or for maintaining health and beauty of the body. 


A number of properties of aloe vera juice to improve body health

There are many ways of processing that can be done on the aloe vera plant, one of which is by making it a healthy drink, namely aloe vera juice.


Benefits and Efficacy of Aloe Vera Juice.

Aloe vera juice is one of the drinks recommended by health experts as a good drink to consume because it can provide many benefits to the body.


Aloe vera juice is made by using the old aloe vera leaf, then washed and removed the side of the prickly skin for further crushing in a blender. Aloe vera juice is known to have many benefits and properties for the body.



The benefits of aloe vera juice include: 

As a detoxification to remove toxins in the body.

Helps digestion, smooths bowel movements, and increases the protein absorption process.

The antioxidant content in aloe vera peel juice can increase immunity against a number of disease-causing free radicals that enter the body.

Protects the body from inflammation, also helps mobility of muscles and joints.

Helps slow down the aging process, rejuvenates skin cells and also heals various minor irritations that occur on the skin.

Helps cleanse the digestive system from food elements that are negative to the body, so that it can keep the body in a fit and healthy condition.

Can meet the body's need for vitamins. Aloe vera juice contains a number of important vitamins including A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, and E, also contains folic acid and niacin.

Aloe vera juice is rich in minerals including calcium, iron, sodium, manganese, potassium, magnesium, copper, chroom, and zinc. By consuming aloe vera juice regularly, you can meet the body's need for these elements.
Aloe vera juice contains 19 kinds of essential and non-essential amino acids that can help meet some of the body's needs for these elements. (the human body needs about 20 kinds of amino acids, both essential and non-essential) .

The natural anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties in aloe vera can help maintain healthy teeth and gums, and protect them from inflammation that can attack the gums.

Aloe vera juice side effects.

Apart from its enormous benefits for the body, aloe vera juice can also have negative effects on the body. 


Here are some of the side effects of aloe vera that can occur:


1. Can Cause Allergic Reactions 

For those of you who have allergies to tulips, onions, garlic, or similar plants that are part of the lily family, you should avoid aloe vera . Allergies that arise if you continue to consume them can cause itching and skin irritation, among others .  


2. Trigger diarrhea and cramps 

In aloe vera juice contains aloe latex, this substance is known as a laxative. But you need to know, aloe vera is not recommended as a good laxative to use. This is because aloe vera is addictive and can have permanent negative effects on colon health and make your constipation worse.


3. Increases the risk of colorectal cancer. 

When used orally and within one year, can lead to the risk of developing colorectal cancer. Using aloe vera as a laxative over a long period of time can also increase the risk of colorectal cancer.


Of course there are still many benefits of aloe vera juice and also the side effects it causes, please look for other literature to enrich your knowledge.

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